
Assassin creed syndicate
Assassin creed syndicate

assassin creed syndicate

Freudian Threat: Gives a gnarly one to James Brudenell by putting a knife near his balls.Evil Sounds Deep: His accent is a little different, but he otherwise sounds a lot like Alan Rickman.Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He's close to his cousin, Pearl Attaway, and is devastated after her assassination.The Assassin Council refuse to even enter the city or directly engage him, instead circling around the towns surrounding London. The Dreaded: The Assassin Council and Henry Green are deeply afraid of him and his stranglehold on London.This scene occurs as he's mourning the recent assassination of his cousin Pearl, whom he was close to, which brings more context to his behavior. Disproportionate Retribution: Shoots one of his underlings in the head for interrupting him.The real challenge in the fight is the fact you have to parkour your way through a Laser Hallway periodically whenever he knocks you backwards in a scripted scene. Damage-Sponge Boss: In the final fight, he's unarmed and an entirely mediocre opponent (like Rodrigo Borgia in II you'll likely spend the entire fight using him as a punching bag), with his only exceptional feature being the fact he can take an absurd amount of damage, thanks to wearing the Shroud of Eden.Bling-Bling-BANG!: Has a gold plated and ornately decorated revolver.Big Bad: Grand Master of the British Templars and the main antagonist of Jacob and Evie Frye's story.The one exception to this behavior is when he kills a lackey who interrupts him, an act driven by grief from his beloved cousin having been assassinated. After an economic crisis rocks London, he raises the wages of his workers without a second thought.

assassin creed syndicate

One of the first things we see him do is thank a subordinate for getting him some tea.

  • Benevolent Boss: A rarity among Templars.
  • Badass Mustache: He has a very impressive 'stache and is a very shrewd, powerful, and dangerous man.
  • Amicable Exes: With Pearl while his marriage proposal was rejected, he doesn't hold any hard feelings over it, and they still get along fairly well.
  • Affably Evil: He's a rather gentlemanly chap all around.
  • Grand Master of the British Rite of the Templar Order and the owner of Starrick Industries. Voiced by: Kris Holden-Ried (English) note Other Languages:Alexander Hoshabaev (Russian)

    Assassin creed syndicate